Healing Montana Skurka Healing Montana Skurka

Gentle Mindful Breathing to Cultivate Inner Peace

Self care does not have to be complicated or time-consuming.

It’s been a time of much heartbreak, pain and grief globally over the last few weeks.

Join me for a few minutes to drop into stillness and connect with your breath. It is my intention that these practices allow you to cultivate a sense of inner peace.

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Healing Montana Skurka Healing Montana Skurka

How do you Feel? Body Scan Meditation for Getting in Touch with Ourselves

How are you doing? How do you feel?

We ask each other this question as a greeting many times throughout the day. But how many of us expect a true answer, or even know how we feel at any given moment?

Many of us were not taught that our emotions were important or to be valued. I believe this has led us to cut off connection to our emotional landscape, and many of us simply have forgotten how to get in touch with ourselves.

Instead, in the pursuit of 'productivity', we disregard, numb and ignore our emotions as we get lost in the busyness of our modern lives.

Connecting with the sensations in our body provides us with a portal to access a sense of connection, peace and stillness in the midst of turbulent times.

In this video, I guide you through a body scan meditation to allow you to drop in to the sensations and felt experience of your body in the present moment

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Healing Montana Skurka Healing Montana Skurka

The Answer is Within You: A Breath-Awareness Practice to Cultivate Connection to Self

We are living in unprecedented times with breakdown occurring on many levels of society: physically, mentally and spiritually. There is much despair, uncertainty and suffering accompanying these global shifts.

How do we move forward?

We have been trained to look for answers to our problems, both personal and societal, from outside ourselves. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to know who to believe; it seems as though we are at a moment in time where no person or institution is capable of guiding us towards a safe and peaceful future built on integrity, wisdom and compassion.

Perhaps we can find the answer through connecting with ourselves. Cultivating deep connection to the self allows for healing and can provide a sense of embodied safety through turbulent times. This connection we cultivate through mindfulness practices allows for intuitive understanding from within of what is true and right for you.

In this video, I guide you through a short breath awareness practice that includes:

- Breath-focused meditation

- Cat/cow yoga sequence that can be done seated or in a tabletop position

- Visualization paired with breath

- Journaling exercise

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Healing Montana Skurka Healing Montana Skurka

Breathing and Mindful Movement to Find Balance

What makes you feel balanced in your life?

Today's practice explores this question through a breathing exercise, some seated yoga postures and ending with a restorative meditation.

Most of us are feeling a bit unsettled & restless during this time of self-isolation. My aim is to provide you with simple movement & mindfulness techniques that will bring you to a deeper sense of clarity & ease.

Beginner-friendly ~ great for anyone who has been interested in practising more mindful ways of living and trying out yoga, meditation or mindfulness practices. This session is all seated to ease us in.

Grab a cup of tea, get comfy, turn off your phone and join me!

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Healing Montana Skurka Healing Montana Skurka

Mindful Breathing & Yoga to Cope with Chaos

Most of us are feeling a bit unsettled & restless during this time of self-isolation. My aim is to provide you with simple movement & mindfulness techniques that will bring you to a deeper sense of clarity & ease.

Beginner-friendly ~ great for anyone who has been interested in practising more mindful ways of living and trying out yoga, meditation or mindfulness practices.

This session is all seated to ease us in. Grab a cup of tea, get comfy, turn off your phone and join me!

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