Healing Montana Skurka Healing Montana Skurka

The Answer is Within You: A Breath-Awareness Practice to Cultivate Connection to Self

We are living in unprecedented times with breakdown occurring on many levels of society: physically, mentally and spiritually. There is much despair, uncertainty and suffering accompanying these global shifts.

How do we move forward?

We have been trained to look for answers to our problems, both personal and societal, from outside ourselves. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to know who to believe; it seems as though we are at a moment in time where no person or institution is capable of guiding us towards a safe and peaceful future built on integrity, wisdom and compassion.

Perhaps we can find the answer through connecting with ourselves. Cultivating deep connection to the self allows for healing and can provide a sense of embodied safety through turbulent times. This connection we cultivate through mindfulness practices allows for intuitive understanding from within of what is true and right for you.

In this video, I guide you through a short breath awareness practice that includes:

- Breath-focused meditation

- Cat/cow yoga sequence that can be done seated or in a tabletop position

- Visualization paired with breath

- Journaling exercise

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